Shelley J Whitehead

Relationship-ready reset

Live Group Coaching Program

Join my life-changing live online group coaching program, to learn the skills that will transform all your relationships

Shelley J Whitehead - Relationship Coach

Get ready to create vibrant and fulfilling relationships

Tired of repeating the same mistakes in your relationships? Confused and frustrated with the lack of progress despite your best efforts? It’s time for a reset.

Designed to equip you with the essential skills to build and maintain meaningful connections, this dynamic group coaching program is your key to a life-changing transformation.

You’ll learn how to escape the cycle of unproductive patterns and to cultivate self-awareness, a new kind of emotional intelligence, and the confidence and skills needed to foster authentic connections.

Working through challenges and blockages together, you’ll develop a deep and unapologetic awareness of your strengths, giving you exactly what you need to create healthy and nourishing relationships.

More than just a course, this program is the catalyst for the love, friendship and connection you’ve always dreamed of.

Live Programme Benefits

Shelley J Whitehead - Relationship Coach

Transformation Skills

Through shared experiences and collective growth, you’ll gain invaluable skills and break-through the challenges and blockages that are holding you back, helping you become truly relationship-ready.

Guidance and coaching from me

In the course of 6 live online sessions, you’ll begin to embody the skills you’re learning through a series of live exercises.

Accelerated group learning

You’ll work with a group of no more than 14 like-minded individuals, having the opportunity to practise your new-found skills to build lifelong friendships.

start here

Book a Discovery Call

Our waiting is now open for our next group intake. Places are limited so to ensure your spot on the waitlist. Places are limited, so to secure your spot, book your free Discovery Call today. In this 15-minute session, I’ll ensure that the live program is right for you and guide you to other options if they might be better suited to your needs.

Shelley J Whitehead - Relationship Coach
What you’ll get


Embark on a transformative journey with our 6-week program designed to help you master essential relationship skills. This comprehensive course will guide you through the process of creating vibrant, fulfilling connections that enhance your life.


Join a live, weekly 90-minute coaching video call with me and a small group of like-minded individuals, all dedicated to revolutionising their relationships. In this dynamic and uplifting space, you’ll gain the insights and guidance needed to build deeply fulfilling connections, express yourself freely, and be truly heard.


Experience a powerful set of exercises and resources, including video modules and a comprehensive workbook, that will turn your relationship aspirations into reality. These tools will guide you step-by-step, helping you cultivate meaningful relationships that enrich your life in every way.


Private Coaching Check Ins: Throughout the 6-week course, you’ll have the opportunity for a private check-in session with me.

Meditations: Enjoy 5 supportive meditations designed to soothe and support you on your journey.

Group Support Chat: Gain access to a private group chat to share thoughts, receive support from the group, and celebrate your progress.

Dating Decoder Workshop: Free access to one of my most popular workshops for singles, giving you all the tools you need to learn how to ‘qualify’ a healthy relationship.

Enrol now…

…begin with a free Discovery Call as your first step to joining Group Coaching.

Live weekly online sessions
28 video modules and workbook
Private group community support
next step

Are you ready for the best relationships of your life?

Keri O

United states

“I discovered Shelley through a podcast and working with her has been one of the most profound experiences of my life. Shelley has also provided a community of support through her workshops and classes. Shelley has given me the tools I needed to move through heartbreak and into a space of self-love and empowerment.

From the beginning stages of fear and grief, she imparts compassion and wisdom in a way that makes you feel safe, important and eventually strong. The online group coaching carries you through the hard times and deliver vision and purpose with which to charge into the future. I truly cannot say enough about both the experience and the brilliant woman behind it.”


asked questions

How do I know this is right for me?

This course is beneficial to everyone. It is one of the best ways to transform all of your relationships, and I haven’t yet met anyone who hasn’t benefited from it. Whether you are shy, nervous, or confident, I create a comfortable and supportive environment. If, however, during our Discovery Call we mutually decide that this program isn’t right for you, I will help you explore alternative options for your journey.

When is the next Group Coaching session opening?

Our waitlist for our next intake is now open. If you are interested in joining the group and would like to get your name on the waitlist. If you’re interested in joining, I recommend booking a free Discovery Call as soon as possible, as places are limited.

What is the cost of the programme?

The total cost of the program is £680 (or £390 x 2 if you would like to pay in two instalments). This includes 6 weekly coaching sessions, access to all video modules, a private check-in session with me, as well as a comprehensive workbook, and entry to the private group chat.

How much time will I need to commit to the program?

The program is designed to fit into your busy schedule. While the live weekly group sessions are 90 minutes, you can engage with the video modules and workbook exercises at your own pace. Even if you miss some live sessions, the program’s structure ensures you will still benefit greatly.

How do I book in to the programme?

To book into the program, you need to schedule a free 15-minute Discovery Call with me. This ensures that Group Coaching is exactly right for you.

What happens if I can't commit to all the live weekly group sessions?

The program offers extensive benefits, including all the video modules, so missing some sessions won’t hold you back. You will also have access to the private community space where you can post questions for me, and I will make sure to address them, whether or not you can attend the live video calls.

Join the waitlist

for Relationship-Ready Reset

and be the first to know when enrolments open.

Relationship-Ready Reset waitlist