Shelley J Whitehead

Process your pain, uncover your spark. Whether you are looking for exciting new beginnings or a desire to put your past behind you, I’ll help you get to where you want to be.

Shelley J Whitehead

Shelley J Whitehead - Relationship & Heartbreak Coach
kintsugi for the heart

If your ‘once upon a time’ has given way to overwhelming heartbreak…

…everything in your world will be feeling small. You may be struggling to eat, sleep and hold a conversation. This is all normal, because you’re mourning an ending.

Heartbreak is a form of grief. There’s no need to fear what comes next – your pain will subside and your new life can be born from the rubble of your relationship. As you move through this grieving process, you can harness a transformational energy to create a life that is even more beautiful and even more embodied than before.

I call this process ‘kintsugi for the heart’.

Healing your broken heart
Shelley J Whitehead

If you’re looking for a deeper connection to yourself and to others, you are in the right place.

Through courses, personalised support and a series of tools and resources, I can guide you back to your untapped inner resources, to help you fall in love with your new life and make healthy connections with those who make your soul sing.

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Get simple healing frameworks that support you as you heal your heart, get back into dating and navigate your next relationship.

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Get bespoke support to heal the past and create a beautifully connected future, with private 1:1 or group coaching.

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Kickstart your healing with some introductory tools, including meditations to calm your mind and soothe your soul.

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Calm my mind
Shelley J Whitehead - Relationship Coach

Courses for healing and connecting

We have a range of powerful courses for moving beyond heartbreak and reconnecting with your desires.

A five-step programme to take you from the depths of grief to relief

A course to help you navigate through the process of a separation where nobody is ‘at fault’

This short, online course is a ‘first aid’ tool kit of three succinct steps designed to help you out of your heartbreak rut

Hi, I’m Shelley!

I’m a relationship expert and have been coaching people worldwide from heartbreak recovery through to building healthy connection and relationship skills, for almost two decades.

I’m here to guide you and give you the practical tools and support to help you move beyond pain, put the past behind you and deepen powerful connections to yourself and to others.

Shelley J Whitehead - Relationship Coach
What people say…

from Florida, USA

“The biggest gift Shelley gave me though was teaching me through her 5 step process how to actively love myself for the first time in my life. In late 2020, I was at an incredibly low point personally, dealing with fresh heartbreak, a lifetime of insecurities, and deeply unresolved trauma. I had worked with therapists over the course of several years and I thought I was doing everything I could to work on myself. I was drawn to Shelley, and reached out to make an appointment. That first appointment changed the trajectory of my life.”

Anisha V

from Saudi

“After finding Shelley on Instagram I immediately followed her as I was stuck in a toxic relationship. I signed up for the Healing Your Heartbreak course and it was the best decision I ever made. I needed the emotional support. After finishing the course I felt stronger, deeply connected to myself, grounded and focused on my vision.

Shahad N

from Bahrain

“Being introduced to Shelley has literally changed my life. After my 10 year marriage ended I was lost and single for 7 years. It was a huge issue to navigate on my own. I am so grateful because her wisdom, guidance and knowledge has propelled me to where I am in my life today. I overcame my heartbreak and I have valuable techniques to use in a wonderful relationship with a beautiful partner, whom I have been dating for one year.”

Abdul K

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Shelly J Whitehead media appearance

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