Shelley J Whitehead

online program

Heartbreak Recovery

Rise like a Phoenix from the ashes of your heartbreak

Are you ready to break out of the cycle of pain and despair?

This powerful course will transform your heartbreak into the fresh start your soul is longing for.

All it takes is 28 steps…and you will never look back again.


is never easy

The pain of a broken heart is one of the worst feelings you’ll ever experience in this life. The inescapable torment of closing your eyes and having all the love your ex showed you play in your head like a movie.

You may have difficult nights,

can’t sleep, feel like you can’t breathe and like your chest is ripping apart, but you will heal.

You may feel emotionally dead,

unable to feel anything for anyone else, and that’s okay for right now. This will get better.

You may be struggling with your grief,

behaving in ways you’re not proud of. Stalking your ex online and obsessing about why this happened, haunted by the constant search for closure. Your behaviour is not who you are.

All is not lost.

Shelley J Whitehead - Relationship Coach

Heartbreak Recovery – 28 Days to Transformation

A simple 28 step (4-part) process that helps you navigate the end of your relationship, reclaim your power and create the life you’ve always longed for.

Because the truth is, time does not heal all wounds…

I’ve worked with people who have carried around resentment and anger for years. It’s easy to get stuck in it.

You may not want to hear this right now but heartbreak can be a catalyst for healing unresolved issues.

I’ll hold your hand as you walk through this simple step-by-step process (28 steps in total) that will release unresolved grief, anger and resentment so you can start looking forward to your future.

You’ll learn easy to remember formulas you can implement, and be taken through a series of exercises, to help you accelerate the healing process so you can avoid (or escape) getting stuck in a despair-loop of blame and pain.

No matter how challenging your breakup, there are strategies that will support you as you heal, and you don’t need to contact your ex for any of them.

Amelia Liana

Fashion & beauty blogger, Raemi Jewellery founder & 'what i know now' podcast host

“Shelley came into my life when I was looking for a guiding star. After my engagement had ended, I found myself in complete disarray and had no capacity to do the things I usually loved, even the smallest day-to-day tasks.

Shelley helped me create a physical and emotional structure as a guide for the early weeks when I was distraught with grief.

She was gentle with me, and at the same time firm, as she mentored and coached me to create these new beginnings. Using the 28-step process in “Heartbreak Recovery”, I implemented these new learnings.

Shelley held me by the hand and helped me rebuild my life and my sense of self.

After a short while, I was able to construct my enchanted version and vision of happiness. I now tackle the challenges of life with this renewed vision that means I get the best from myself, thanks to Shelley and her magic wand!”

My own heartbreak story

I’ve personally experienced the overwhelming emptiness you’re feeling right now. When my marriage of 7 years ended, I felt so much pain and despair I felt I was going to die.

In the beginning I was emotionally numb (and cried for what felt like forever).

Weeks later, friends were struggling to know how to help, finding it hard to cope with the perpetual tears and outpourings of pain. I still couldn’t eat and was completely empty and full to the brim with despair at the same time. I couldn’t make sense of any of it.

Time wasn’t helping, and it certainly wasn’t healing.

I knew I couldn’t keep feeling like this, but I had no umph and no plan. I felt disabled by such deep sorrow, and I didn’t know how to name or shape what I was going through.

In a rare moment of cognitive calmness, a realisation cut through my thoughts.

“I feel as though I am grieving… ”

Shelley J Whitehead - Relationship Coach

I realised I already had the toolbox I needed to help me through my emotional apocalypse.

Over the previous ten years I’d been blending traditional coaching practices with techniques like hypnotherapy to develop a holistic 28-step healing system which supported my clients through bereavement and beyond.

I was experiencing the same emotions as my bereaved clients. Feelings of fear, loss and uncertainty.

I took the framework and noticed there was one fundamental component missing. One additional aspect to the first step, that is essential for healing loss from heartbreak. So I tweaked the method and started to apply step one.

Days later, as I was tearing weeds out of my garden, I had an epiphany. A moment that shifted my view of the world, and showed me there was light at the end of the tunnel. I felt the first sparks of hope and excitement for my future and at that moment I knew in my heart that everything was going to be okay.

The upgraded framework worked, and I was only at step two.


I trusted the process and my healing picked up pace. Within 3 months my life was more fulfilling, more aligned to my needs, and more exciting than it had ever been.

I started to help clients with their heartbreak using the same 28-step framework and their progress astounded me. Men and women who had been stuck in a pain cycle for years started to make rapid progress, and I feel blessed to be able to share this life-changing framework with you, so you can heal your heartbreak too.

Stories about

working with me

Georgina G


“Shelley is an extraordinary expert and one of the most incredible people I’ve ever met. After my breakup had left me in complete disarray, her programme helped me see the light at the end of the tunnel and was the best support I could have asked for.”

Olivia C


“From the moment I first spoke to Shelley, I immediately felt at ease. Nothing ever comes from a place of judgement. Since spending some time with Shelley both in person and over video call my life has dramatically changed. I was heartbroken and stuck in a career I hated. Today I am in a stable, healthy relationship and successfully running my own business. This wouldn’t have happened without Shelley’s guidance!”


Heartbreak Recovery

you’ll learn how to:

Escape the ‘movie theatre’

of your memories so you can reclaim your power, so you too can walk off into the sunset with your new partner.


Dissolve despair

using simple frameworks that help you forgive, and set yourself free from resentment, anger, guilt and shame.


Make sense of what happened

so you can find closure without needing to contact your ex.


Feel supported and understood

as you discover your behaviour is a natural (and predictable) consequence of the change in chemicals in your brain – and how to reign things in if you’ve become ‘caught up in crazy’.


Graduate from unhealthy attachments

by tapping into your past to find out what you’re subconsciously seeking so you can start developing the nurturing relationships you deserve.


Feel safe (and your children if you have them)

as you navigate your breakup with dignity, even if you need to see your ex at work, share a home or co-parent together.


Restore your inner faith

as you tap into your inner wants and needs, and then build healthy boundaries that keep enhancing your new life.


Move on to create your dream life

transforming the energy of heartbreak into a powerful catalyst for change

Stories about

Heartbreak Recovery

Simon G


“Without Shelley, I’d be in the tall grass. No doubt about it. Not only is she one of the most beautiful people I’ve ever met – inside and out – she is kind, sensitive, thoughtful and understanding.

She is compassionate and authentic and she can pick apart complex issues and make you understand them with ease. It’s no understatement to say that the process of working with her completely changed my life.

From being in a dark place she gave me the confidence to see the light again. No amount of thanks can ever be enough for Shelley. If you’re considering joining her programme, I advise you in the strongest possible terms to do it. It will be the best call you make this year.

I believe in happy endings. All of this culminated in me finding my special love and getting married in October 2020.”

Your 4-Part Process

Part 1:

Getting Grounded

The first seven days of healing begins with understanding how to channel your feelings of desperate pain. You’ll see that your feelings right now are totally normal, and any out-of-character compulsive behaviour is the result of natural, predictable chemical changes within your brain.


Why ‘time heals all wounds’ is a MYTH and the enjoyable healing strategy you should use instead.


One simple action everyone wants you to stop, that is secretly helping you heal.


The three brain hormones that are dictating your feelings right now and the one practical thing you’re trying to avoid that will bring them back to balance.


How to take a first step towards a renewed sense of ‘you-ness’.

Part 2:

Taking Action, From Grief to Relief

In the first seven steps, you’ll have learned how to cut through the crushing weight of longing and start to reclaim your power.

Now you’ll learn how to avoid getting entangled in the past and become a master in the art of boundaries, clearing out the debris of things that are no longer serving you.


How to get closure without speaking to (or about) your ex.


Reclaiming your power through setting healthy standards for your life ahead.


Aunty Vonnie’s harsh truth that shifted me from grief to relief (and how this can work for you too).


Understanding where and when ‘no contact’ is vital.

Part 3:

Illuminating the path ahead

By now, you’ll have learned how to understand and channel your feelings; how to cut through the crushing feelings of despair; and how to start to reclaim your sense of self.

In the third set of steps, you’re going to start to come alive again, planting seeds for your future in the void that has been left behind by your ex and resetting the stage for a radiant life ahead. You’ll find this a cathartic, fun and enjoyable process that’ll lift your spirits and help you start to feel hope and possibility for your future.


Identify how you’ll bring joy into each cavity of your life so you can amplify your happiness.


Get inspired to dream big so you can start getting excited about what you’re going to do next.


Move past your grief with a simple visualisation to unlock the future your subconscious is secretly hoping for.


Discover your core essence to make sure you’re being authentic to who you want to be (instead of being a social chameleon to fit in and please others).


3 strategies that will help you fall back in love with yourself even if you’re struggling with self-worth right now.

Part 4:

Making Sense of the ‘Why’

As you enter the final seven steps, you will be starting to feel more ‘at home’ in your own skin again and your future will be calling to you.

In a place of grounded serenity and ever-increasing energy and vibrancy, now is the time to harness your power to do a last deep dive. These crucial last steps will take you on a journey to a place of profound understanding that will set you up to never fall back into old habits and patterns. If you have the courage to take this leap, your life will never be the same again.


Diagnose the behaviour patterns your ‘old brain’ thinks are good but actually keeps you stuck in the trap of choosing partners who perpetuate your pain.


How to overcome your relationship ‘blueprints’.


A simple approach you can gracefully deploy when asked the dreaded question… “So, what happened?”


A fresh start to a new story.


53-page Companion Workbook, your personal guide with actionable steps to help you heal and grow.

5 Downloadable Meditations to help calm your mind.

When you join

Heartbreak Recovery

you’ll finally be able to break negative relationship patterns, learn to trust yourself, and open your heart to love again.

Sign up today to access your easy to implement 28-step framework

Here’s what you get when you enrol:


The Heartbreak Recovery 28-Step Framework delivered in a series of perspective-shifting video trainings.

Course Workbook

Unlock the power of transformation with a 53-page Healing Your  Heartbreak Workbook, your personal guide to healing and growth. Dive deep into self-reflection and actionable steps.

5 Meditations

5 healing meditations that will help shift stubborn thoughts (even when you can’t face hauling yourself off the sofa).

Enrol in

Heartbreak Recovery today to detox from your ex

(and start building the life you deserve)

4.5 hours on-demand video
53-Page companion workbook
5 Downloadable Mindset-Shifting Meditations
Salena S


“Joining the programme at a point where I split from the person who I thought would be my ‘forever’ has been life-changing.

It’s given me insightful knowledge and the understanding to shift my outlook on what the split meant.

I previously saw my breakup as a hindrance to my life and I thought I’d never find anyone else, but now I see it as an opportunity for growth and creating a vision for myself with my boundaries. Shelley’s energy and positivity is infectious.

The programme has given me practical and visual tools, which I’ll keep with me forever, especially now as I have met someone special since healing my heartbreak.”


asked questions

How long will it take for me to get back to dating again?

I’ve used this process with hundreds of my one to one clients, and it works. Some people like to do the whole process in 28 consecutive days, others like to take their time. Using this exact framework, it usually takes just under 3 months to feel confident and happy to start dating again…

… and not meaningless dating. The kind of dating where you’ve identified who you need to form a fulfilling, sustainable and nourishing relationship and have the self-confidence to believe in yourself.

Sometimes this takes longer. It depends on your starting point and how closely you follow the 28 steps. There should be no jumping! If you skip ahead, this won’t work for you. It must be taken one step at a time. And in order.

I’ve had therapy, and that didn’t work - how is this different?

Therapy can be fantastic, I have a therapist I work with when I need her, and she is wonderful. I often refer my one to one clients to therapists, and sometimes therapists refer their clients to me.

Why are therapists referring some of their clients to me? Because sometimes digging into the past doesn’t help you find what you really want from your life. Sometimes you need to start looking forwards.

Heartbreak Recovery is based on identifying where you are right now and what you want…

So you can use the pain and deep reflection as a secret superpower to kickstart the positive change you need in your life.

With Heartbreak Recovery, you’ll get a supporting scaffold to help as you clear out your emotional baggage and start looking to a brighter future.

Can I do this alongside coaching or therapy?

Yes, this programme can workly really effectively alongside coaching or therapy. I would recommend that you let your coach or therapist know that you are doing the programme.

Can I go at my own pace?

The programme is designed for you to be able to move at the exact pace that works for you. Most people take about three months to complete the programme. Even if you take longer than this it will still work as long as you complete it and implement all the suggestions.

More stories

about Heartbreak Recovery

Gemma G


“I spent all of my 20s wanting to find ‘the one,’ but instead continued to date aimlessly, making poor choices when it came to the guys with whom I entered relationships.

I was in a long toxic, abusive relationship for a number of years and managed to extract myself from that situation. I then thought I knew what I wanted but I actually didn’t.

I went through a surprising (although others say not surprising) breakup which left me lost, hopeless and sad at age 29. Everyone around me was moving on with their lives and that caused me much stress.

Shelley, the relationship goddess and guru, was brought to my attention on Instagram and via a very good friend. In working through her 28-step Heartbreak Recovery process, I pinpointed the qualities I required and wanted in a partner.

Within 6 months of the work, I met my ‘soulmate’ on Hinge, a dating app. My guy is totally different to the guys that came before him and that is because I was able to realign my vision.

I did some intense soul-searching and work to get me to where I am now. The 28-step programme was a lifeline for a period of time and I certainly could not be where I am without it. This experience has led to me finding my amazing partner.  He proposed in Autumn and our wedding is planned for next year.”