Shelley J Whitehead



With Dignity

This online workshop is designed to help you take a graceful and embodied approach to separating with dignity.

Even when a divorce is a harmonious one there are several potential challenges and pitfalls to overcome.

Taking a

structured and conscious approach

can help you to navigate with dignity and comfort and to take the learnings to help you create an empowered and embodied plan for your future.

You don’t want to apportion blame

to either side but there could be some simmering unease underneath the surface

You want to reconnect with yourself

and get a flying start on your journey towards creating your new life

You may be nervous

about the pathway ahead and unsure of what and how to process your feelings

Navigate with grace

Healing Your Heartbreak

Separating with Dignity

I created this extended workshop to help you navigate through the process of a separation where nobody is ‘at fault’. You may have grown apart over time or you may have just realised that you are not compatible with your partner.

And it’s now time for you to discover the world again from a different perspective. Even when there is no finger-pointing, you might find the separation a challenging time. People often underestimate the impact that this kind of ‘loss’ can have on your life, even if – on the surface – it is one that you have chosen.

Equally, you may be going through a divorce where, on the surface you don’t want to apportion blame to either side but there could be some simmering unease underneath the surface.

It’s time for you to reconnect with ‘you’ and get started on your journey towards creating your new life.

This workshop will give you some emotional and practical support tools to help get you through this separation and off to a flying start on this next phase. I’ll help you hold a space for processing your feelings and for starting to look out to the horizon and beyond.

What’s in the workshop?

Three modules

The workshop is divided into three parts, each with a series of videos and practical exercises for you to work through at your own pace. I’ll show you how to do some important reframes and work with you on completing the exercises.

Guidance on a conscious separation

This workshop is for people who want to separate with dignity, without apportioning blame, where no one is ‘at fault’. A ‘no fault’ separation can be a legal term (for example in the case of a divorce where both parties choose to instigate proceedings without naming their partner as the cause for the separation) and can also be a philosophical framework where both sides accept their share of responsibility.

Individual empowerment

This is a workshop for individuals rather than couples. By focusing on your own journey, you can use this moment to put your energy into your new life outside of the framework of the partnership.

What’s included?
3 Modules

Each with a series of associated practical exercises to work through

12 Videos

A series of 12 training video tutorials and a comprehensive downloadable guide with written exercises

Reading list

A bonus ‘recommended reading list’


3-Step Process

Module 1:

Become the captain of your own ship

In this module, you’ll work through a series of exercises that will allow you to take control of your own destiny.


We start with a reframing exercise that will help get you properly set up on the next stage of your journey as a sovereign individual (rather than as part of a couple.)


We then go through a process that will help you to get real clarity on what it is you want out of this next stage of your life, with an additional tool for helping lay out new neural pathways to set you up for a fresh start.


We’ll get you reconnected with your own personal values and standards, ensuring that you stay true to what is important to you.

Module 2:

Get ship-shape, ready for the journey ahead

Even a no-fault separation can be challenging and complicated. We’ll get you prepped and ready to navigate through whatever lies ahead.


We’ll start with some intention setting on getting your ‘fuel tanks’ filled up.


We’ll then go on to starting to explore and map out the terrain of the journey ahead.


We close this section by doing a deeper dive into an exploration of grief and heartbreak and how to hold space for this (as, even if you are going through an amicable separation, you will be experiencing a form of loss and it is wise to acknowledge and work with this.)

Module 3:

Setting sail on the journey

The final module covers the separation process itself. We want to make sure you stay focused on your needs throughout this process (both practical and emotional) and stay in tune with yourself.


I’ll give you some practical tools for making sure you stay attuned to your own feelings and needs.


We’ll explore ‘endings’ and why it is important to hold the space for this.


We’ll close off the course by looking ahead to your future through an exercise in letting go and looking forwards.

Sign up

today to access your supportive
3-step framework

3 Modules
12 Training Videos
Reading list