Shelley J Whitehead

If you’re looking for deeper connection to yourself and others, you are in the right place. I’m here to empower you, every step of the way, towards thriving relationships.

Shelley J Whitehead

Shelley J Whitehead - Relationship & Heartbreak Coach
ignite your inner light

The art of creating great relationships starts with a powerful truth:

love is a skill that grows with understanding and practice. It begins as an inside job, where self-awareness and personal growth pave the way to truly fulfilling connections. By nurturing your relationship skills and igniting your own unique inner fire, you empower yourself to attract and build relationships that resonate deeply. Discover how these skills can enrich your journey towards meaningful connections.

Tell me more about relationship skills.

A couple sitting on a bench during sunset
Shelley J Whitehead

Beautifully nourishing relationships are just a few steps away

Through enriching courses, tailored guidance and an array of empowering resources, I can guide you to reignite your inner fire, and master vital skills to create connection with kindred spirits who resonate with you on a profound level.

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Online Courses

Learn powerful skills for creating deep and healthy connection through structured online courses.

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Online Courses

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Live Programs

Join a live group program to accelerate your transformation with like-minded individuals.

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Live Programs

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Get bespoke support and heal past relationship challenges with personalised 1:1 coaching.

Shelley J Whitehead - Relationship Coach

Live Programs for creating thriving relationships

Join one of my powerful programs, designed to give you all the skills and support you need for wonderful relationships, including…

A powerful four-part live program, designed to give you all the vital foundational skills you need for creating healthy relationships.

A lovingly supportive online program to take you from the depths of grief to relief, through a series of practical steps.

Hi, I’m Shelley!

I’m a relationship expert and have been coaching people worldwide, through practical guidance and empowering support, to create incredible relationships. For almost two decades, I’ve taught the relationship skills that lead to strong and healthy relationships, alongside a strong sense of self.

I’m here to guide you and give you the practical tools and support to help you put the past behind you and deepen wonderfully powerful connections to yourself and to others.

I’m here to help you create your enchanted life.

An enchanted life is one that is rich with love and delight, even when overcoming challenges and obstacles.

It’s both a mindset and a skillset… and it’s just a few short steps away.

Shelley J Whitehead - Relationship Coach
What people say…

from Florida, USA

“The biggest gift Shelley gave me though was teaching me through her 5 step process how to actively love myself for the first time in my life. In late 2020, I was at an incredibly low point personally, dealing with fresh heartbreak, a lifetime of insecurities, and deeply unresolved trauma. I had worked with therapists over the course of several years and I thought I was doing everything I could to work on myself. I was drawn to Shelley, and reached out to make an appointment. That first appointment changed the trajectory of my life.”

Anisha V

from Saudi

“After finding Shelley on Instagram I immediately followed her as I was stuck in a toxic relationship. I signed up for the Healing Your Heartbreak course and it was the best decision I ever made. I needed the emotional support. After finishing the course I felt stronger, deeply connected to myself, grounded and focused on my vision.

Shahad N

from Bahrain

“Being introduced to Shelley has literally changed my life. After my 10 year marriage ended I was lost and single for 7 years. It was a huge issue to navigate on my own. I am so grateful because her wisdom, guidance and knowledge has propelled me to where I am in my life today. I overcame my heartbreak and I have valuable techniques to use in a wonderful relationship with a beautiful partner, whom I have been dating for one year.”

Abdul K

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