Shelley J Whitehead

A time to let go

30 August, 2022

As the sun’s light grows ever more-golden and its shadows lengthen into the last weeks of summer, rested souls start to look ahead to that ‘back to school’ moment. Holiday season is drawing to a close and there’s a little flurry of expectation in the air and a sense of looking ahead with a freshened perspective. 

In our rush towards newness and our continual anticipation of ‘what next?’ we often forget to honour endings. There is as much beauty in an ending as there is in a beginning. There is also as much to learn from the transition out of something as there is in letting something new in. 

As our earthly bodies continually grow, so too our inner resources. And as I watch the trees shed their first autumn leaves, I am ever-inspired by the power of nature and how much we have to learn from these vast and interconnected cycles. The trees don’t need their leaves in winter, so they let them go. 

So I’m taking a moment to honour the ending of this season of warmth and easiness. Before my mind sharpens into the autumn spirit and I embrace the clarity of the months ahead, I am allowing myself the indulgence of a moment of a soft melancholy as I begin to shift out of the summer feeling. I’m allowing my memories of the last few months to consolidate into the fabric of my being and create a little bookmark in my mind … before I let those carefree energies go. And I move on. 

Shelley J Whitehead
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