Shelley J Whitehead
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Shelley J Whitehead

Coming back to life

Coming back to life

Every year, there’s a moment at the tail end of winter when I am suddenly aware of the stirrings of growth in the garden. It’s that moment, when the earth has long lain still and lifeless and the first little shoot of...

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The Yin and Yang of Self Love

The Yin and Yang of Self Love

In the month of February - when our Western media is awash with stories around the theme of passionate romantic love - I often work with my clients on tuning back in to the essential practice of self love. Self love is...

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Kintsugi for the Heart

Kintsugi for the Heart

The secret to healing your heartbreak is hidden in a 600-year-old Japanese tradition. In the late 15th Century, Japanese shōgun Ashikaga Yoshimasa was outraged to find his favourite tea bowl had been repaired with ugly...

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How To Get Over Your Ex

How To Get Over Your Ex

As a relationship coach I help singles who are at different stages of their journey.  Many of my clients come to me at the end of a relationship, when they are stuck in the desperate “why has this happened to me?”...

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When to end a relationship

When to end a relationship

A few days ago, Caroline contacted me on Facebook with a huge dilemma. She has been dating her boyfriend Max for six months and although they have an enjoyable time together, her gut feeling was that he isn’t “the...

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How a miscarriage affects a relationship

How a miscarriage affects a relationship

Harriet and Steve sat in my consultation room one sunny morning in July. I listened to Harriet, as her tears fell, recalling the previous four months since the loss of their baby. Steve sat silently, holding her hand....

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Safe online dating

Safe online dating

I had a session a new client this morning dealing with her feeling of rejection because the man she met online, and has been dating for six weeks disappeared. Disappeared without a trace.  Not contactable. Gone....

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The 6 biggest mistakes people make after heartbreak guide
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The 6 biggest mistakes people make after heartbreak

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