Shelley J Whitehead
posts by

Shelley J Whitehead

5 Steps for addressing anxiety

5 Steps for addressing anxiety

How anxiety can be helpful Anxiety is often maligned as a ‘bad’ emotion and one that should either be ushered away or swept under the carpet. I believe, however, that all emotions have value and meaning and that if we...

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The beauty of anxiety

The beauty of anxiety

As the days draw shorter and the sharper air of Autumn creeps into my home, I find myself noticing a familiar sensation creeping into my body. There’s a knot in my stomach and a fluttery feeling all over my skin. My...

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A time to let go

A time to let go

As the sun’s light grows ever more-golden and its shadows lengthen into the last weeks of summer, rested souls start to look ahead to that ‘back to school’ moment. Holiday season is drawing to a close and there’s a...

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A deep rest for the psyche

A deep rest for the psyche

Like all living beings on this beautiful planet, we humans are cyclical creatures. The months of our annual calendar, woven around the shifting seasons and the waxing and waning of the sun and the moon, are a deeply...

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Holding time

Holding time

It’s the first day of July today - we’re suddenly at that tipping point when we’re halfway through the year. As I’ve basked in the comfortable month of June, I’ve been living joyfully within the present moment… and...

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An Internal Spring Clean

An Internal Spring Clean

The tradition of the Spring home declutter and cleanse is a ritual that dates back millenia. It’s practised across many cultures and is a powerful and healing exercise. And, as an integral part of the process I teach,...

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