The blog
Strategies and inspiration for healing, dating and loving for the long term

What are the four relationship destructors?
There has been a lot of research into the biggest predictors of divorce and separation. Researchers have studied a myriad of factors including age, finances, geographical location, religion… and have found that there...

An Internal Spring Clean
The tradition of the Spring home declutter and cleanse is a ritual that dates back millenia. It’s practised across many cultures and is a powerful and healing exercise. And, as an integral part of the process I teach,...

Overcoming the pitfalls of a ‘no fault’ separation
Yesterday the long-awaited 'Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020' finally came into effect in the UK so married couples will now be able to go through a 'no fault' divorce, without the statutory need for one...

Coming back to life
Every year, there’s a moment at the tail end of winter when I am suddenly aware of the stirrings of growth in the garden. It’s that moment, when the earth has long lain still and lifeless and the first little shoot of...

How to get the most out of a Discovery Call
What is a Discovery Call? A Discovery Call is a chance for you and I to get to know each other and find out if we are the right fit for each other. It’s an introductory chat where we both get the chance to ask each...

The Yin and Yang of Self Love
In the month of February - when our Western media is awash with stories around the theme of passionate romantic love - I often work with my clients on tuning back in to the essential practice of self love. Self love is...

Kintsugi for the Heart
The secret to healing your heartbreak is hidden in a 600-year-old Japanese tradition. In the late 15th Century, Japanese shōgun Ashikaga Yoshimasa was outraged to find his favourite tea bowl had been repaired with ugly...

How To Get Over Your Ex
As a relationship coach I help singles who are at different stages of their journey. Many of my clients come to me at the end of a relationship, when they are stuck in the desperate “why has this happened to me?”...

When to end a relationship
A few days ago, Caroline contacted me on Facebook with a huge dilemma. She has been dating her boyfriend Max for six months and although they have an enjoyable time together, her gut feeling was that he isn’t “the...

The 5 Foundation Rules for Success In Love
I am so grateful to have been mentored by my Aunt, Yvonne Doucha, who has spent over 60 years on a quest to find a spiritual path that resonates with her. Along the way I have benefited so much from the many lessons...

How a miscarriage affects a relationship
Harriet and Steve sat in my consultation room one sunny morning in July. I listened to Harriet, as her tears fell, recalling the previous four months since the loss of their baby. Steve sat silently, holding her hand....

Safe online dating
I had a session a new client this morning dealing with her feeling of rejection because the man she met online, and has been dating for six weeks disappeared. Disappeared without a trace. Not contactable. Gone....
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